Book Your Winter Interior Painting Today - contact us for a free quote

Affordable & Local

From scaffolding to finishing

A complete Hawke's Bay house painting service.


Exterior, interior and roof painting for your house

House Painting Hawke's Bay are specialists in interior and exterior house painting as well as having significant experience roof painting.

Our policy is that corner's are never cut and the job is done properly with a house or roof wash prior to any commencement of work. We ensure that any areas that need to be repaired are identified and cracks filled, before applying an undercoat and two or three top coats depending on the condition of the old paint work. In most cases Wattyl's 15 year warranty requires mostly three top coats but its not always necessary.

Most importantly, we believe in giving our customers value for their money and stand by all of our work. We will always listen to any potential customer and provide the best answer's we can to any questions you might have. No job is complete until the customer is 100% happy with our work.

If you are interested in having us complete a job for you, we will a provide fully detailed quote or estimates which we believe are always reasonable. Our extremely high acceptance rate of our quotes and estimates is testament to both our affordability and reputation. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. 


From start to finish

We use our own scaffolding so can complete the entire job from start to finish.

Spraying for better effect

Our preferred painting technique is spraying - meaning a more even application of paint.

Experience counts

With over ten years of house painting experience, you know you are in trustworthy hands.

Call us for a quote today

027 271 9848 

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